کارفرما: پرستیژلند ایران

مشاور: آداك سپاهان

مبلغ قرارداد: قرارداد PC+F ریال

سال قرارداد: 1393

محل انجام کار: اصفهان

مقادیر کار:

عملیات خاکی و سنگبری: 6200 مترمکعب

عملیات بتن ریزی: 29000 مترمکعب

عملیات قالب بندی: 111000 مترمربع

کارهای فلزی (میلگرد): 4300000 کیلوگرم

This Project will be accomplished on a 10.000 sqm land including a modern International Financial Exchanges center, residential tower, Official tower and exhibition center.

IIFC is the core of the Iranian financial system and an integral part of the global interaction between investors and companies seeking to raise capital. IIFC is an ongoing process, a community effort by the business, the government and the society in general. The catalyst of the project is the desire of professional market players to improve the business climate, make the financial market a viable part of the global market, and boost its attractiveness for foreign investors and issuers.

To ensure all involved feel as relaxed as possible the spa, pool and gym at IIFC have specially trained staff which offer services to the residents. A wonderful massage or a workout in the gym is most suitable, the tranquil environment and the tantalizing treatment on offer will definitely refresh and revitalize the residents.

IFC’s mandate is to promote sustainable economic development through the private sector. IFC pursues this goal through innovative solutions to the challenges of development, as we invest in companies and financial institutions in emerging markets. IFC considers positive developmental impact an integral part of good business, and we focus much of our effort on the countries with the greatest need for investment. We recognize that economic growth is sustainable only if it is environmentally and socially sound and helps improve the quality of life for those living in developing countries. The mission of IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is to promote private sector investment in developing countries, helping to reduce poverty and improve people’s lives